Goodbye 2024
I would be remiss if I made it to the end of an end-year retrospective post if I failed to thank a bunch of folks for their support over the last year. First—big ups to Jesse, who has become my friend and creative confidante. Snow Day Press and the Minnesota Comic Exchange gave us encouragement and financial backing needed to bring Smarg #1 to market. We had some amazing advertisers in our first issue, without whom we would not have variant covers. I appreciate your support of the nerdy arts. Huge thank you to the comic shops in our area who took a chance to carry our book. Finally, three cheers for Brent Schoonover and Zip Alegria for investing time and energy into cover art for a previously unknown intellectual property.
Last, something pretty neat was posted yesterday on the worldwide web. Wisconsin-based designer Dann Matthews (Instagram here) provided the first ever Smarg fan art. Check him out!