A preview of pencils by Jesse Switters for Smarg #1.

To sum up our feelings after one week, artist extraordinaire Jesse Switters and I are floored by the support we have received from the community for Smarg. We are grateful, humbled, and feel a little extra pressure to bring something awesome to market for readers! THANK YOU!

To date, we have received over 165 pre-orders through the website and to local Twin Cities comic shops, and I will continue to pound the pavement. We want Smarg to be a household name (albeit an unusual one)! to express our appreciation, we are sharing something a little extra special to give folks an idea of what this comic will look like. Here is a page previewing Jesse’s pencils from the issue.

As you can see, we have a story that will include a unique hero, different looking weaponry, and good grief, Jesse can draw anything. Even hands!

If you want to get in on the hype, you, too, can pre-order your copy of Smarg by swinging by the Comic Shop. Anybody who pre-orders a copy through paulhallgrencomics.com will be entered to win an original design headshot of our new hero by Jesse!




Smarg: Launch Day