The Evolution of Comics
There are a whole bunch of ways to define eras of comic books. We have the traditional Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, and Modern Ages. Some also delineate comic book eras by decade, by editor-in-chief (e.g., Marvel under Jim Shooter or DC under Jim Lee), or based on coinciding historical events (e.g., pre-War or pre-Code era). These are all relevant and helpful lenses to apply.
Even heroes (especially heroes) need to eat. That said, Smarg’s diet might be a little bit of an acquired taste. Here is Jesse Switters' interpretation of what this kind of meal might look like. For me, suction cups are a non-starter, but to each their own.

A Very Large Thank You
To sum up our feelings after one week, artist extraordinaire Jesse Switters and I are floored by the support we have received from the community for Smarg. We are grateful, humbled, and feel a little extra pressure to bring something awesome to market for our readers! THANK YOU!